Welcome to

The Psychic Energy Mama

Mama of 5 | Psychic Medium | Energy Healer & Teacher

My Services

3 Day Online Trauma-Informed Safe Space Holding Kundalini Facilitator Training (9/26– 9/28)

Thursday 9/26– 2pm to 830pm EST
Friday 9/27– 2pm to 9pm* EST
Saturday 9/28– 12pm to 8pm EST
Prerequisite to Join Receiving at least 1 KA activation with me in a private or group setting.
No prior energy healing experience is required. 
Tuition is $999 usd ( if you have received an Activation with me prior ) 
Tuition with a private 60-minute KA ceremony prior to training is $1111 usd 
Subscribers of my instagram account @PsychicEnergyMamaJoline can join for $899 usd. 
Tuition includes ongoing group support and monthly meetings to share, and receive energy healing. 
Monthly Payment Plans Available if needed.
Free Consultation Call Included. 

Are you feeling a calling to a deeper purpose?

This is an invitation to awaken your own power and guide others on their unique spiritual awakening journeys.

The Cosmic Consciousness Trauma Healing Academy, Kundalini Activation Facilitator training offers a customized and nurturing training program designed to assist you in embodying your gifts and equip you to share the transformative power of Kundalini Shakti energy with the world.


  • Embodying the Kundalini Non Dual frequency for your own healing, conscious expansion, and holding space for others to awaken to their power.
  • Creating safe, sacred, trauma-informed spaces for profound healing and growth. 
  • Learning how to effectively open and close energy cycles for your clients so they only go as deep within themselves and not out of their window of tolerance 
  • Learning how to dive deeper into your own spiritual and healing abilities to step into your soul purposes and release trauma
  • Building a thriving KA business, helping others connect with their true selves.

This trauma-informed program takes a sacred and gentle feminine approach, working with the Divine Mother field of Non Dual Energy,  prioritizing safety and honoring each client’s unique journey. I teach you how to go deeper inside of yourself so you can hold space for others to do the same.

Over 3 Days of transformation and ongoing support you will: 

  • Discover your unique soul gifts for energy healing and light language
  • Learn powerful techniques to activate Kundalini lifeforce and guide others.
  • Gain in-depth knowledge of the Kundalini process and energy work, trauma-informed process, nervous system, and vagus nerve release and regulation, retraining your subconscious, and how to apply shadow work and breath work exercises to transform your life and clients. 
  • Learn how to facilitate transformative kundalini activations In person and online in a supportive environment and continue to refine your skills.
  • Become a certified KA facilitator, ready to launch your personal practice.

This is more than just training. It’s a transformation. It’s for anyone that is ready to go deeper inside of themselves and be seen for who and what they are without shame, guilt, or judgment. This is for all, even if your goal isn’t to create a business at this time. 

After training you will Join a community of facilitators and receive ongoing support on your journey.

Trauma-informed kundalini Activation is focuses on a gentle activation, safe space holding, with tools,  resources, and ongoing support for our clients and self, empowering you to create a sustainable, fulfilling spiritual journey and practice. 

Are you ready to answer the call?

If so reserve now with $333 deposit or pay in full. 

Can’t make this training but want to participate in the next one? 

Reserve now for upcoming September and October Training and certification 

October  24th -26th

November Dates Coming Soon  

Register here https://psychicenergymama.com/ or Email PsychicEnergyMama@gmail.com with any questions you have.



Book Session 

Psychic Mediumship Development Training with Certification 

Format: 6-week live Zoom training 

Dates: September 15 – October 20 

Meeting days are 9/15, 9/22, 9/29, 10/5, 10/12, 10/19 

Time: 2-4 PM Eastern Time. 

Cost: $666 USD (early bird discount until September 6) $555 usd if you sign up with a friend. Price increase after 9/6 to $888

Reserve with $222 deposit goes toward tuition

Course Breakdown

Week 1: Foundations of Psychic Mediumship

  • Understanding the difference between psychics and mediums
  • Developing trust in intuition
  • The importance of meditation and releasing expectations
  • Exploring the various psychic senses (clairs)
  • Receiving psychic impressions
  • Live practice connecting to personal energy centers and impressions
  • Soul Work

Week 2: Connecting with Spirits

  • Continued practice with clairs
  • Spirit communication and interpreting messages
  • Connecting with spirit guides, angels, and spirits
  • Setting up an altar and sacred space
  • Opening and closing communication, protection rituals, and clearing the space
  • Live practice connecting to a partner’s energy field
  • Soul Work 

Week 3: Advanced Psychic Techniques

  • Remote viewing and live practice
  • Psychometry and live practice
  • Connecting to auras
  • Using a pendulum and tarot cards for guidance
  • Releasing energy after spirit communication
  • Soul work

Week 4: Deepening Spirit Communication

  • Continued spirit communication practice
  • Building relationships with spirits
  • Using a pendulum for yes/no questions
  • Releasing energy and clearing
  • Soul work

Week 5: Kundalini and Psychic Abilities

  • The connection between psychic abilities and awakened kundalini
  • Breathwork meditation for opening the third eye
  • Grounding ceremony
  • Live Kundalini Activation (KA) ceremony
  • Integrating psychic senses into daily life
  • Soul work

Week 6: Full Psychic Mediumship Session

  • Live full psychic mediumship session with a partner
  • Opening, closing, and sharing experiences
  • Certification

Note: The course will provide live practice , guidance, and support and homework for developing psychic mediumship abilities.

Email directly any questions you have : PsychicEnergyMama@gmail.com


Book Session


Kundalini & Spiritual Awakening Support

 $300 USD – 80 minutes
Awaken your potential and experience deep healing.

This transformative 80-minute session will guide you on a journey of self-discovery using the powerful combination of:

  • Divine Feminine Gentle Energy: Embrace a nurturing and supportive space to release blockages and awaken your intuition.
  • Breathwork & Shadow Work Coaching: Learn powerful techniques to balance your energy, nervous system, and gently explore and heal past emotional wounds.
  • Reiki, Shakti Kundalini Energy, Sound Healing: Experience a multi-dimensional approach to activate your energetic potential and promote deep relaxation.

This session is designed to help you:

  • Balance your energy and nervous system for a sense of calm and well-being.
  • Release emotional blockages and promote inner peace.
  • Awaken your intuition and connect with your higher self.
  • Embrace your spiritual journey with greater clarity and purpose.

Don’t wait to start your transformation. Sign up today.

Here’s what makes this session different:

  • Focus on deep healing: This session goes beyond relaxation to address the root causes of energetic imbalances.
  • Gentle yet powerful techniques: Experience a safe and supportive environment for profound transformation.
  • Personalized guidance: Tailored to your unique needs and goals on your spiritual path.

To book place half payment of the full session price , other half is due by 24 hours before the session.


Book Session


Kundalini & Spiritual Awakening Integration – 6 Weeks

($1111 USD) (5-80 minute Sessions, Weekly check-ins and support ) 
Are you ready to break free from limitations and embrace profound transformation?

This powerful 6-week program will guide you on a journey of deep healing and spiritual awakening with:

  • Expert Support: Receive 5 personalized 80-minute video calls with me, your guide, to address your unique needs.
  • Weekly Check-ins: Stay motivated and accountable with ongoing communication through messenger and voice memos throughout the program.
  • The Divine Feminine Energy Healing Advantage: Unleash your potential with Kundalini energy rebalancing, Reiki, Light Language,Sound Healing, and Shakti Energy.

Together, we’ll transform your life by:

  • Navigating the Dark Night of the Soul: Overcome challenges and find strength during this pivotal stage in your awakening.
  • Healing Shadow Parts & Inner Child: Release past wounds and limiting beliefs to rediscover your true self.
  • Rebalancing Your Nervous System: Cultivate calmness and inner peace through energetic techniques.
  • Retraining Your Subconscious Mind: Reprogram negative patterns and create lasting positive change.

This is more than just a journey ; it’s an investment in your well-being and spiritual growth.

Here’s what sets this journey apart:

  • Personalized approach: We address your specific needs and goals for a truly transformative experience.
  • Weekly support: Stay connected and receive ongoing guidance throughout the program.
  • Holistic healing: Combine powerful techniques to achieve deep and lasting change.

Payment plans available; pay in full,or break into 3 payments bi-weekly.


Book Session


Love Yourself into Your Dream Life A Journey of Self-Love and Transformation

8 Week- 8- 80 minutes Virtual Sessions-$1888 USD
12 Week-12 – 80 minutes Virtual Sessions- $2222 USD
Payment plans are available.
Are you ready to:
  • Feel vibrant, confident, and truly connected to your life’s purpose?
  • Ditch the self-doubt and embrace clarity, unshakeable confidence, and life aligned with your highest self.

My “Love Yourself into Your Dream Life” program isn’t just about feeling better; it’s a complete transformation. It’s an 8 or 12-week online journey designed to heal you from the inside out, unleashing the radiant, empowered you waiting to shine.


  • Healing your inner child and releasing limiting beliefs: Let go of past hurts that hold you back and step into your full power.
  • Unveiling your authentic self: Discover what truly makes you happy and what sets your soul on fire.
  • Making empowered choices: Stop second-guessing yourself and trust your intuition to guide you.
  • Embracing self-compassion: Silence the inner critic and learn to love the beautiful, perfectly imperfect you.
  • Awakening your hidden potential: Discover your natural psychic and intuitive gifts, waiting to be awakened.
  • Living a life of purpose and meaning: Align your life with your deepest desires and discover your soul’s calling.

This program is unique because:

  • It’s personalized: We tailor the journey to your specific needs and goals.
  • It’s powerful: We combine proven techniques like inner child healing, shadow work, energy healing, and intuitive development.
  • It’s supportive: You’ll receive ongoing guidance and support throughout the program, with 8 or 12 intensive sessions (depending on your chosen program length) and soul work prompts after each session.
  • It delivers results: Prepare to witness incredible shifts in your relationship with yourself, others, and your overall well-being.

Don’t wait to invest in the most important person in your life: YOU. Your authentic, empowered self is waiting to be unleashed!

Ready to embark on this adventure of self-discovery? Book your FREE consultation today and let’s co-create the radiant, empowered you!


Book Session

Online Trauma Informed Kundalini Activation Ceremony for Healing and Transformation

*Includes email prior to prepare your system & resources after for integration

50 Minute- Online Session (35 min transmission-15 minutes share & Integration) $188 USD
90 Minute-Online Session (70 min transmission-20 minutes share & Integration) $222 USD
90 minute Couples/Friends Session ( 70 Minute transmission-20  minutes share ) $288 USD
Bundle and Save : Two private 90 minute ceremonies for $333 USD . Only $166.50 each
Feeling stuck? Want to break free from limitations and reach your full potential?

Kundalini Activations offers a powerful path to awakening your energetic body and achieving higher states of consciousness. The best part? You can experience this profound transformation from the comfort of your own home through a safe and effective online session. KA (Kundalini Activation) is a powerful transmission to activate your dormant lifeforce energy and awaken your energetic, physical, mental, emotional & spiritual fields. KA will assist you in releasing deep blockages and expanding your consciousness. While receiving you are in a relaxed state where your nervous system is relaxed so you can deeply heal. It is an inner dance where your body, mind, and soul all connect. Kundalini Activation awakens your sacred energy and connects you to the divinity that you are. It can awaken your fullest potential to release roadblocks in your journey.  During this transmission, your energy centers are activated, and a deep release and an internal balance occurs.  It brings serenity, inner freedom, clarity, and presence. It will help you to leave behind your blocks, cords, fears, and everything that ultimately prevents you from evolving.  During a session release can happen through laughing, crying, screaming, dancing, and shaking. Also, nothing can happen. You could have an internal experience with visions, messages, sensations, and colors coming through. The magic truly happens after your session, past limiting beliefs may leave you, food preferences may change, relationships may leave you and you gain a new awareness for a consciousness expansion journey, increasing your healing and intuitive abilities.  The best advice I can give you is to release all expectations and be open to all possibilities. Surrender and trust, this energy is of the highest good, powerful, and for all. 

Here’s why online Kundalini Activation is perfect for you:

  • Distance doesn’t matter: The energy of Shakti Kundalini transcends time and space. You’ll receive the same level of powerful activation as if we were in person.
  • Unleash in your safe haven: Your home environment fosters a sense of security and allows you to fully surrender to the experience with minimal distractions.
  • Opportunity to share what you are working through. Prior to meeting, you can share via email anything you want to share about your experiences to allow you to feel safe to release and heal.
  • Release what holds you back: Kundalini Activation can help release stored trauma, limiting beliefs, and blockages, leaving you feeling lighter and more connected to your true self.
  • Experience a shift: You might experience profound bliss, clarity, a release of emotional baggage, or even a heightened sense of awareness. Everyone’s journey is unique!
  • Embrace your potential: This is your chance to shed past limitations, embrace your inner power, and live life to the fullest.

Ready to embark on this transformative journey?

Here’s what to expect:

  • Convenient Zoom session: We’ll connect virtually, allowing you to participate from the comfort of your home. Make sure your internet is excellent and your Zoom app is updated before our session
  • Powerful sound guidance: Music will be streamed through Zoom, enhancing the activation process. Headphones or good speakers are recommended.
  • Comfortable activation posture: Lie down on a yoga mat, rug, or even your bed for optimal relaxation.
  • Safe and private space: Find a quiet area where you can be completely undisturbed during the session. A camera showing your full body is required to facilitate the energy transmission. Make sure the room is fully lit so I can see you clearly. Wear an eye mask to keep out additional light.
  • Preparation for optimal results: Fasting for 2-3 hours beforehand is recommended (water is okay). Avoid alcohol, substances, and stimulants for the best experience.

Kundalini Activation is a powerful tool for healing and transformation. It’s a journey of self-discovery, liberation, and awakening your infinite potential. I do take clips of clients with your approval during an activation for educational purposes and training material. Please let me know if you do not want to be recorded.

Are you ready? Book your online session today and unlock the radiant, empowered you.

Feel free to email me any questions you have before booking. To book half of the full session price is due. The other half is due 24 hours before the session.

Book Session


Ultimate Healing Transformation:

80-Minute Session – $300 USD
Ready to embark on a profound journey of healing and self-discovery?

This exclusive 80-minute virtual session offers a powerful combination of modalities designed to address your deepest needs and awaken your highest potential.

Here’s what awaits you:

  • Grounding & Healing Kundalini Activation (40 min): Experience a transformative energy cleanse that releases blockages and sets the stage for profound healing.
  • Light Language Healing: Bathe in the vibrations of pure light languages, accelerating your healing journey.
  • Intuitive Card Reading: Gain valuable insights and guidance tailored to your specific needs and questions.
  • Psychic Communication: Receive powerful messages from your spirit guides or higher self, helping you navigate your path toward healing and fulfillment.
  • Connection with Loved Ones who have Passed: Find comfort and closure by connecting with those you cherish in the spirit world. (Please send a picture of up to 2 loved ones beforehand)
  • Inner Child Healing & Soul Purpose Coaching: Uncover and heal past hurts that may be holding you back, and gain clarity on your life’s true purpose.

Prepare for Transformation:

  • Set an intention: Focus on what you hope to achieve during the session.
  • Hydrate: Drink plenty of water to optimize the healing process.
  • Fast or eat lightly: Refrain from heavy meals for 2-3 hours and limit caffeine intake for 3-4 hours beforehand.
  • Create a sacred space: Find a quiet, comfortable area where you can relax uninterrupted.
  • Get comfortable: Have an eye mask and light blanket ready for the Kundalini Activation portion. (You’ll be lying down with your device facing you.)
  • Prepare your questions: Come with any questions you may have for your intuitive guidance.

Don’t wait to begin your healing journey! Reserve your spot today with a full payment or split payment option. ($150 to book, remaining balance due 24 hours before your session)


Book Session

Deepen Your Bond & Heal Together: The Ultimate Couples’ Healing 

80 Minute Session- $333 USD
Feeling disconnected from your partner or friend? Yearning for a deeper connection and a shared journey of healing?
This exclusive 80-minute virtual session goes beyond individual healing. It’s a powerful opportunity to connect, heal, and transform together.      

Here’s what awaits you:

  • 40-Minute Grounding Kundalini Activation: Experience a transformative energy cleanse that sets the stage for profound healing, both individually and as a couple. (You’ll be comfortably lying down for this portion.)
  • Individual Psychic Readings: Gain valuable insights tailored specifically to each of you. Receive messages from your spirit teams, focusing on your past, present, and future, all for your highest good.
  • Connection with a Loved One Who Passed: Find comfort and closure by reconnecting with a cherished individual in the spirit world, together. (Please send a picture beforehand)


  • Releasing past hurts and blockages that may be affecting your relationship.
  • Gaining deeper understanding and empathy for each other’s journeys.
  • Strengthening your bond through a shared transformative experience.
  • Experiencing profound individual healing while also healing together.

Prepare for Transformation:

  • Set an intention: Focus on what you hope to achieve during the session as a couple.
  • Hydrate: Drink plenty of water to optimize the healing process.
  • Fast or eat lightly: Refrain from heavy meals for 3 hours and limit caffeine intake for 4 hours beforehand.
  • Create a sacred space: Find a quiet, comfortable area where you can relax uninterrupted.
  • Get comfortable: Have eye masks and light blankets ready for the Kundalini Activation portion.

Don’t wait to invest in your connection! Reserve your spot today with a flexible payment option. ($166.50 to book, remaining balance due 24 hours before your session) or pay in full.

This is your chance to deepen your bond, unlock your potential, and embark on a profound healing journey together.


Book Session

The Ultimate Psychic Reading Session

50 Minute $188 USD
30 Minute Session – $111 USD
Feeling lost, unfulfilled, or stuck in a rut? Do you crave clarity about your life’s path, relationships, and future?

This powerful 50-minute virtual session (or a focused 30-minute option) offers a transformative experience that goes beyond typical reading. It’s a full-body energetic healing and personalized psychic reading designed to unlock your potential and guide you towards fulfillment.


  • A rejuvenating energy cleanse: Experience a powerful balancing of your chakra system, promoting relaxation and releasing stagnant energy that may be holding you back.
  • Unveiling your future: Gain insightful messages from your highest self about your past, present, and future, all for your highest good.
  • Clarity and direction: Receive guidance on your relationships, career, and personal journey, empowering you to make informed decisions.
  • Uncovering hidden blockages: Identify energetic blockages that may be hindering your progress and receive powerful tools to overcome them.

Here’s what you can expect:

  • 24-hour preparation: Before your session, I’ll request a picture of you to allow me to tune into your unique energy.
  • Energy healing: We’ll begin with a focused energy healing session to clear and balance your chakras, promoting a sense of relaxation and well-being.
  • In-depth psychic reading: We’ll delve into your specific questions and concerns, providing insights and messages tailored to your personal journey.
  • Actionable guidance: Receive practical advice and tools to help you move forward with clarity and confidence.

Each session is unique and tailored to your specific needs. Your highest self will only communicate what you need to know at the present moment, empowering you to create the life of your dreams.

Ready to unlock your potential and experience a profound transformation? Don’t wait! Reserve your spot today with a flexible payment option. ($94 to book the 50-minute session, remaining balance due 24 hours before. For the 30-minute session, half the price down to book.)

Invest in your well-being and unlock the path to a brighter future. Book your session now!


Book Session

The Psychic Group Experience – $333 USD (Up to 4 People)

80 – Minute Session
Ready to connect with friends and family on a deeper level, gain valuable insights, and experience a powerful healing journey…together?

This unique 80-minute virtual group session offers an incredible opportunity for up to 4 friends or family members to join forces and receive:

  • Energy Healing: Experience a powerful group energy cleanse, promoting relaxation, balance, and a sense of deep well-being.
  • Personalized Psychic Readings: Each participant will receive a mini psychic reading tailored to their individual needs and desires. Gain clarity on love, relationships, career, or any area you’d like to explore further. These messages will be focused on your personal growth and highest good.


  • Strengthening bonds with loved ones through a shared transformative experience.
  • Unveiling hidden blocks that may be holding you back, individually and collectively. Together, you can discover pathways to overcome these challenges.
  • Creating a supportive and uplifting space for healing, growth, and personal empowerment.

This is your chance to:

  • Deepen connections with loved ones in a meaningful way.
  • Gain clarity and direction on your individual and shared paths.
  • Experience the power of collective energy healing. The combined energy of the group can amplify the healing experience for everyone involved.


Book Session

Face Your Shadows & Meet your Inner Child

50 – Minute Session $200 USD
Feeling stuck? Do negative emotions and past experiences hold you back from living your best life?

This powerful 50-minute virtual session offers a transformative journey to meet your inner child and shadow self, two powerful forces shaping your present.

Here’s what you’ll experience:

  • Emotional Healing: I’ll guide you to safely confront and release past hurts and limiting beliefs holding you back.
  • Energy Healing: Receive powerful energy transmissions to remove blockages and accelerate your healing on the deepest levels.
  • Shadow Work: Uncover hidden aspects of yourself (your “shadow”) that may be influencing your behavior and relationships.
  • Inner Child Connection: Reconnect with your wounded inner child, offering them comfort and understanding, and facilitating deeper healing.
  • Personal Empowerment: Develop tools and strategies to overcome roadblocks and move forward with greater confidence.


  • Letting go of the emotional baggage that’s been weighing you down.
  • Understanding the root cause of negative patterns and triggers.
  • Healing your inner child and fostering self-compassion.
  • Integrating your shadow for greater self-awareness and personal growth.
  • Empowering yourself to create a brighter future.

Preparation is Key:

  • Quiet, uninterrupted space: Find a comfortable area where you can relax and focus inward.
  • Self-reflection: Contemplate past experiences that may have impacted you, or recent events that trigger negative emotions.
  • Pre-session meditation: I’ll send you a meditation beforehand to help you prepare for deep healing.

Healing is a journey, not a destination. This session may be the first step toward lasting transformation.

Ready to embark on your journey? Reserve your spot today with a flexible payment option. ($100 to book, remaining balance due 24 hours before your session)

Invest in your well-being and unlock your full potential. Book your session now!

Purchase a package of 3 sessions and receive 10% off! This allows you to delve deeper into your healing journey and solidify the positive changes you’ll experience $60 off usd

Book Session

Soul Guidance Session

50 Minute Virtual Session – $200 USD

Feeling lost, stuck, or unsure of your next step? Yearning for clarity, direction, and a renewed sense of purpose?

This powerful 50-minute virtual session offers a dynamic and interactive experience designed to guide you towards your highest good.

Here’s how we’ll work together:

  • Goal Setting: Come prepared with a specific goal in mind. Whether it’s overcoming a roadblock, navigating a challenge, or simply unlocking your potential, we’ll work towards achieving it.
  • Obstacles & Solutions: We’ll identify and dismantle any obstacles holding you back. Through strategic coaching, you’ll develop effective solutions to move forward with confidence.
  • Psychic Guidance: Connect with your spirit team or highest self for personalized messages and insights tailored to your specific needs. This guidance is designed to empower you on your journey.
  • Emotional Release: This is a safe space to openly express yourself and release any trapped emotions holding you back, both conscious and subconscious.
  • Cord Cutting (if needed): Release any unhealthy energetic attachments hindering your progress.
  • Energy Healing: Experience a continuous flow of energy healing throughout the session, promoting relaxation and emotional balance.
  • Psychic Q&A: We’ll answer your pressing questions based on time, providing additional clarity and insights.
  • Ongoing Support: At the end of the session, I’ll provide personalized recommendations and resources to further your journey.


  • Gaining clarity and direction on your life path.
  • Overcoming obstacles with newfound confidence and strategies.
  • Receiving powerful messages from your spirit team for your highest good.
  • Releasing emotional baggage and achieving inner peace.
  • Connecting with your intuition and developing your psychic abilities.

This interactive session empowers you to take control of your life and unlock your full potential. Reserve your spot today with a flexible payment option. ($100 to book, remaining balance due 24 hours before your session)

Invest in your well-being and embark on a transformative journey. Book your Soul Guidance

Session now!


Book Session

Reignite Your Soul’s Spark: Soul Purpose Connection Session      

50 Minute Virtual Session – $200 USD 
Do you feel a nagging sense of emptiness, like there’s more to life than you’re currently experiencing? Are you yearning to rediscover the spark of joy that once filled your heart?

This transformative 50-minute virtual session offers a powerful combination of energy healing and psychic coaching to help you reconnect with your soul’s deepest desires.

Here’s your journey:

  • Pre-Session Exploration: Before we meet, embark on a self-discovery quest. Reflect on activities that brought you pure joy as a child, before societal pressures dimmed your inner light. Identify any obstacles hindering your connection to this joy.
  • Full-Body Energy Healing: Prepare for a powerful energy cleanse, promoting relaxation and clearing any blockages that may be holding you back.
  • Unveiling Your Soul’s Truth: Together, we’ll delve into limiting beliefs and karmic patterns from both this life and past lives, uncovering the root causes behind your disconnection from joy.
  • Personalized Psychic Guidance: Receive insightful messages from your highest self, revealing what your soul truly desires in this lifetime. Gain clarity on potential pathways in love, career, relationships, and more.
  • Past Life Exploration: We’ll tap into a past life experience with valuable lessons waiting to be learned, empowering you to move forward with greater understanding.
  • Continued Support: Following the session, you’ll receive a personalized voice or written message outlining actionable steps to help you step into your true power and live a life filled with joy.


  • Reconnecting with the vibrant energy you possessed as a child.
  • Breaking free from limiting beliefs and karmic cycles.
  • Receiving clear guidance from your highest self on your soul’s purpose.
  • Uncovering past life lessons for greater self-awareness.
  • Embracing a life filled with joy, purpose, and fulfillment.

This session is your invitation to rediscover your soul’s spark and ignite a life filled with passion. Reserve your spot today with a flexible payment option. ($100 to book, remaining balance due 24 hours before your session)

Invest in your well-being and embark on a journey of profound transformation. Book your Soul Purpose Connection Session now!


Book Session

Healing Hearts & Finding Comfort – Spirit World Session  

50 Minute Virtual Session – $200 USD
Do you miss a loved one who has passed on? Yearn for a sense of connection, a message, or simply a way to feel close to them again?

This heartfelt 50-minute virtual session offers a safe and supportive space to explore the possibility of connecting with those who have crossed over.

Here’s what you can experience:

  • Energy Healing: Throughout the session, I’ll send calming and soothing energy to promote relaxation and emotional well-being.
  • Intuitive Guidance: We’ll tap into your own intuition, allowing you to receive messages that resonate with your current situation and offer a sense of comfort.
  • Connecting in Spirit: While I cannot guarantee specific communication with departed spirits, I can use my intuition and energetic sensitivity to facilitate a connection. This may involve receiving impressions, feelings, or symbols that hold personal meaning for you.

Open Communication:

Feel free to ask questions you may have, allowing for a deeper exploration of your bond with your loved one.


  • Finding a sense of peace and closure through the possibility of connecting with a loved one in spirit.
  • Receiving messages of love and support that may comfort you during difficult times.
  • Gaining a deeper understanding of your own intuition and connection to the unseen.

While specific communication with individuals cannot be guaranteed, this session offers a unique opportunity to explore the possibility of connection and receive healing energy.

Preparation is Key:

  • Openness: Approach the session with an open mind and heart, allowing yourself to receive messages in whatever form they may come.
  • Photo (Optional): If you feel comfortable, send a picture of your loved one beforehand. This can help me connect with their energy more readily.

Ready to embark on this heartfelt journey? Reserve your spot today with a flexible payment option. ($100 to book, remaining balance due 24 hours before your session)

Invest in your well-being and find solace in the connection with loved ones who have passed on. Book your Loved Ones in Spirit Session now!


Book Session

Personalized Usui Reiki Training 

$255 USD – $444 USD
Ready to unlock your innate ability to heal yourself and others? Become a Reiki practitioner with my personalized Usui Reiki training program!

Here’s what sets me apart:

  • Flexible Learning: Study at your own pace with the provided Usui Reiki manual before our in-depth virtual sessions.
  • Personalized Guidance: Our 1.5-3 hour Zoom sessions are tailored to your specific needs and questions, ensuring a deep understanding of Reiki principles and practices.
  • Confidence Building: Gain the knowledge and skills to confidently explain and perform Reiki healing for yourself and others.

Each training level includes:

  • Guided Meditation: Enhance your Reiki practice and deepen your connection to healing energy.
  • Interactive Q&A: Receive clear answers to all your Reiki questions, fostering a strong foundation for your practice.
  • Official Certification: Upon successful completion, receive a certificate acknowledging your Reiki training level.
  • Reiki Attunement: Connect with the powerful Usui Reiki energy for self-healing and the ability to heal others.

Choose Your Level:

  • Level 1 ($255 USD): Learn the basics of Reiki, hand placements, and self-healing techniques.
  • Level 2 ($311 USD): Unlock advanced symbols, distant healing practices, and emotional healing techniques.
  • Level 3 Reiki Master  ($355 USD): Deepen your mastery, hone your intuition, and learn advanced healing methods.
  • Reiki Master Teacher ($444 USD): Become a certified Reiki Master Teacher, empowered to train others in the Usui Reiki tradition.

(May recommend The Healing Touch ,William Rand not included, approx. $10-$15 USD)

Ready to embark on your Reiki journey? Contact me today  PsychicEnergyMama@gmail.com to discuss your goals and choose your training level. Flexible payment options available!


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